KVH Airtime by CA Clase

Why Choose Us?

Experience the ease of working with one provider for all of your satellite communications and onboard content needs. Get affordable global connectivity at the highest speeds with award-winning antenna hardware. Enjoy blazing fast speeds with free unlimited data thanks to our revolutionary HTS products and global network. Add the marine industry’s premier offering of entertainment and operations content, all delivered affordably by KVH’s IP-MobileCast subscription-based content delivery service without affecting or using your data plan.
Choose KVH’s mini-VSAT Broadband and enjoy an experience you’ve only dreamt about – connectivity at sea designed for the way you use the Internet today.
•  Fast and reliable Internet access worldwide
•  Flexible and affordable airtime rate plans
•  The entertainment and operations content you desire, delivered affordably
•  Crystal-clear, prioritised voice calls
•  Powerful tools for managing data use
•  Global support to keep you connected at all times
Connections matter…for your family, your guests, your business, and your crews, each of which have unique needs. That’s why a generic “off the shelf” solution and old, slow connections simply won’t do.
KVH delivers the industry’s leading end-to-end hardware, connectivity, and content solution with global support at every step of the way.
Go Figure!
To help you determine which plan best fits your needs, here are some estimated data usage amounts to help you get started:
Send/Receive/Download:  Approx. Data Usage:
1 email (text only)  0.01 MB
1 email w/attachment (typical Word, PowerPoint or Excel)  0.30 MB
1 web page load  0.30 MB
1 hi-res smartphone photo  1 .00 MB
1 30-second YouTube clip  2.00 MB
1 3-minute song  1 .50 MB

You can do A LOT with a MB!
• 100 emails!
• 3 emails w/attachments!
• 3 web page loads!
• 1 hi-res smartphone photo!

TracPhone V11HTS Coverage

TracPhone V11HTS Coverage with Shipping Routes

TracPhone V7HTS Coverage

TracPhone V7HTS Coverage with Shipping Routes

TracPhone V3HTS Coverage

TracPhone V3HTS Coverage with Shipping Routes

These maps depict KVH’s expectations for mini-VSAT Broadband TracPhone V11HTS‘s, V7HTS‘s and TracPhone V3HTS‘s coverage; actual coverage and availability may vary.